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Tips for young founders

December 25, 2020 | Business | No Comments

Starting a business as a young person is of course very possible today, much sooner than it used to be the case. The entry barriers are lower, especially on the Internet. Nowadays you can build your own business here without large financial investments or loans.

Nevertheless, there are a few things you should pay attention to, because online is also a real business. And since young founders often lack professional experience and know-how, one should be particularly careful and attentive in order to avoid various pitfalls and the resulting financial difficulties. For example, knowing What baby stroller is safe is important should you decide to start a business that caters to baby’s needs.

Few important points to consider

Taking the start-up phase seriously

Often the technical aspect is addressed in the high motivation, but the other aspects of a start-up are neglected. You should avoid that in any case, otherwise it can lead to trouble and bigger problems.

Analyze the market well

Among other things, this includes analyzing the market. A good idea is very tempting, but it may well be that something similar already exists or you can’t find enough potential customers for it.

Fulfill legal requirements

During the formation, the legal requirements that such a formation entail are very important. For most online business start-ups, however, these are limited.

Looking for experienced partners

It is a very good idea to look for experienced partners for your own business. This can be, for example, a tax advisor or a business angel. In any case, you should make up for your own lack of experience and the sometimes still lacking know-how with good partners.

Practicing appearance

A common problem facing potential customers is the external image of young founders. Traditional companies in particular often don’t take young founders seriously. Therefore you should practice to appear confident and convincing.

Make use of independence

As a young founder, you usually don’t have a family of your own and other obligations are also limited. You should take advantage of that and, for example, move to a big city or even go abroad, if that makes sense.

Keeping your own costs low

As already mentioned, a business does not become successful overnight. Of course, the lower your own costs, the better the first phase of low income.
